This morning I was reading a small book with poignant sayings in it that I find inspiring. I wondered if I could add some of my own. To my amazement I had written 29 of my own within an hour. I will share them with you now. Actually it ended up as 35. I hope you find them useful. Perhaps you can think some of your own.
I present them to you now in the same order I thought of them:
- Start today.
- Start defining the you you want to be.
- Behave as if you already have what you want.
- Guilt puts nothing right.
- Allow progress to proceed.
- Stubbornness comes from you, release it.
- The right behaviour works for you AND others.
- Always be kind to yourself.
- Quietly know that you are valid and deserve good things in life.
- When the sun shines look to it and feel its wonderful warmth on your skin and spirit.
- You can be many things and still be whole.
- Thoughts, emotions and spirit can guide you wisely. Your physical body will carry you forward.
- It sometimes helps me to be of fewer words as sometimes others listen to less.
- Less is more meaningful when it comes to internal chatter, social competitiveness, resentment and negativity.
- What's so beautiful to you that makes you cry with pleasure? For me it is music.
- When you feel something know where it comes from before you give it a voice.
- If there is something you do or feel that you think is wrong still know you are as good as the best role model you have? It's just you do not know, or need to know, what it is they do not like about themselves.
- What you resist persists; let it go like water in a stream.
- You can be 'on message' with yourself. If you lack motivation you are possibly trying to carry out an 'ought' or a 'should'.
- Ask yourself what do you really want to do? Not why you can't really do something.
- Learn from compromise as it is a kindness.
- You can do different things on different days. You don't have to be consistent.
- Practice what you want to be good at and grateful for what you already are.
- You have the same amount of resources that the people you look up to have.
- Use what you have to be you and rejoice in your uniqueness.
- Be loveable and you will be loved.
- Only what you believe in is possible.
- Forgiveness releases resentment and empowers you to start again.
- If you want progress for yourself release your resentments and know that anything human is possible for you.
- You have a choice in every moment. You can use it wisely or think you have no choice.
- Allow yourself as many options as you can. They can all be good.
- There is no right or wrong solution. All answers to problems can be positive.
- Think about the abundance you have as being grateful helps it to grow.
- Everything you imagine in you mind is possible except perhaps really being able to fly horizontal over long distances unaided.
- Happiness is only truly experienced when it is shared.