Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today we have seen and listened to politicians. There have also been commentaries on world affairs from the media that purports to be global and articles from the UN's publications.

We are told of Polio returning to parts of the world where it had left, due to the conflict in the region, We hear politicians extolling the virtues of Nationhood within or without of the EU. There is a constant bombardment of ones sensibilities, if one allows it, of information about all the horrible things happening in the world yet no one is asking the fundamental question as to why is man, being such a cleaver and so called knowledgeable being, totally incapable of ceasing the conflict, wars, hatred, sorrow and pain that man inflicts upon his fellow being?

Are we no longer interested in asking the question as to why man destroys man anymore because we feel so helpless to stop the suffering? Why do our politicians take sides and destroy lives. Do we ask them to do this in our name, to use nationalism to turn against others to protect our own selfish interests. Are our interests worth killing for if they are threatened? If the answer is yes then we enter into a dark place where we only encourage others to do the same to us and so all the conflict and suffering that we see all around us destroying human beings and the planet continues; man pitched against man forever battling against an hated enemy because they dared to be as self righteous and nationalistic or religiously bigoted as ourselves.

Can we not see this? Are we incapable of of being without hate and anger against another human being because we have too much vested interest in our own self centered desires for success and wealth?

Thought is fragmentary, it is conditioned. If one looks at it do you not see that we think selfishly. Whether it is our religion, our nation, our family, our job, our community or our ethnic group we think in terms of what we may call our protection and security, the 'me' and 'mine'. Do we do this because we are frightened that if we do not protect ourselves we may loose something, even loose our identity as a Christian, as a Muslim, a German or an American, or whatever. In order that we can protect our conditioning, our religious views, our nationality that we have identified with, we enter the aggressive arena that is our everyday living. Look at it and see what is going on, don't take anyone else's words on this, see for yourself what you have built around you to stop the fear, the insecurity that you may feel. To escape the fear of being alone and to feel a sense of belonging many of us have created so many divisions that are destroying our lives and the lives of everybody around us.

Isn't it time to ask the question why we feel so utterly lost as individuals unless we belong to something or continuously gather items that define us which then creates the ugly mess we all see around us.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I would like to share this link with you

Please copy and paste this into your Internet browser

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Right, wrong addiction

Difficult as it may be for us who are brought up on 'this is right, that is wrong' scenarios throughout our lives, isn't there perhaps a different way of looking at issues such as the current problems in the Ukraine.
We can argue the rights and wrongs of either side endlessly but where does that get us? Does it take us any nearer the truth or just further into our entrenched views, beliefs, conditioning, nationalism or in support of our own country's vested interests?

To resolve the many problems that face us we surely have to get beyond taking sides as this will just prolong the conflict or lead us into more deadly action.

Just take a look at other unresolved conflicts throughout the world.