Saturday, March 17, 2012

How Do You See The World, Your World?

Is it someone else who is making the world a bad place? Who is this someone else? Is the world such a bad place and what, if anything, can you do about it?

Do you think our leaders are a different breed not made of the same stuff as you or I, or are they the essentially same with just extra opportunities that helped them get to where they are today? Do you think your goals are different to theirs or are they very similar only you cannot effect such widespread change as they can?

We are driven by many desires and I ask how many of them you are truly aware of. Perhaps you are running on autopilot with automated responses to situations where you call upon your past experience rather than deal dynamically with a situation in the present. Dealing with what is, in the now, requires attention and awareness not relying on past responses that may not be relevant in the current situation.

Have you seen if you understand how you are responding, see how you are use the past in the present just because it may be easier to do that.

Is your response to something following an old pattern or are you coming to it afresh every time? It is easier to have your ready made response but is it the best way to deal with a situation. Do you find yourself being backed into your corner by nobody else other than yourself? If so stop, see, understand and be aware of how you are responding.

Sometimes we 'read' the response we think other people require from us. You may think this helps to keep the peace and build friendships but is it really what you want to say and what is your motive for placating a comment or a behaviour that you may deeply disagree with? It will neither keep the peace or build friendship as you will have a growing resentment to someone you do not tell the truth to and once that process has begun it is difficult to start again, only this time honestly.

The way you see the world, your world, is crucial to how you behave in it. If you see a corrupt human race scheming in the world and the only way to function in it is to be corrupt yourself then you will not want to go any further with what I am saying. See the world as corrupt and you really want to do something about it then you may want to read on. Don't be fooled by thinking it is easy to make change. The type of change required is fundamental and you have to do it for yourself as no other authority can speak for you.

Can you truly change yourself to living in the 'now', reacting to life afresh and not just regurgitating past experiences? I am talking about our relationship with each other and the world; I am not talking about how we have to understand some types of knowledge in the work place. This is about our relationship on the personal level: our true interaction with nature, other sentinel beings and with each other. Are we part of the solution or part of the problem? You have a choice. Which is it to be?

Be aggressive to the aggressors so nothing changes or change yourself and start the process of being truly free at last.

You can view this article on the following link where it was first published: