Friday, December 20, 2013

Peace on Earth

What do we mean by the phrase peace on earth when many places around us are at war? We may not be directly involved in a war but are we not all involved in the terrible things that human beings do to one another. All the time we take sides with our country, our religion, our family, our beliefs are we not at war, with or without the actual killing of another, with others?

Peace is not about comfort in our cosy little lives. How can we have peace when army's are killing one another even if it is in far off lands? Can we be content that this is done in the nation's name, and therefore our names if we perceive ourselves as belonging to that nation?

Can any religion that has set humanity against humanity call it self peaceful. Why do we join up to the various religions and their dogmas believing it to be the only right one?  As soon as we do that surely we are in conflict. Once we have the feeling of righteousness filling our thoughts we are close to warring with those who do not agree with us. 

Is everybody thinking they are right, whether it be the individual, the family, the community, the nation, the religion? How do we learn from each other with open and honest dialogue if we already have a conclusion to argue for or against?

Surely it really doesn't matter whether I am a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religious group. Neither, does it matter if I am Chinese, Indian, American, and African? Are we not all separating ourselves from each other with my right beliefs so you must have the wrong beliefs and so I must protect my religion and my nation from you so my beliefs stay firm? Are we then not all at war with each other until we change that attitude?

This cannot be done through religious dogma or national pride but only when the individual is truly free from their conditioning from both within and without.