Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Are ones' thinking projections possibly completely incorrect?

Ones' projections in thought teaches one misunderstanding, hate, resistance and resentment. We do this in abstract thought, projecting onto others without knowing if there is any truth in our thoughts. Why do we do take these random concepts, loosely based on other peoples actions toward us, as if they are undisputed facts?
Can we see what our perceptions and projections are doing? Is there a way of seeing that projections of the mind are so rarely the truth and therefore should be treated with the utmost caution?

Ones' projections are conceptual so if one gives them undue credence, one asks am I addicted to conflict? Projections are not the truth but if we believe them to be the truth there is conflict between what is actual and what we have made up that has the illusion of being actual. Understanding this and holding on to the projections as if truth, leads one to ask if one is addicted to conflict?

Can one let go of ones imaginary disagreements with people you have decided are deliberately hurting you. You make that decision by your interpretation of their actions. Why do we do this? 

Hurts are feelings and are real i.e. they happen, but the explanation of them to ourselves may be completely incorrect and this is the world in which we live - a made-up one.