I have often wondered why we look at individual aspects of ourselves rather than the whole. When I think of the whole I think of our physical, emotional and spiritual components. I do not experience them as being separate so why would I want to treat them separately. When I experience fear there is a tightening of my stomach and urgency in my brain. Both my emotion and my body are acting to work out a resolution. My body and my mind are deciding what to do.
All three feed each other. If you are physically fit you are more likely to be taking the action that helps your emotional health. If you listen with awareness to your true self at the spiritual level you will be more likely to feel content with your life. This will enable you to be emotionally happier and your physical wellbeing healthier.
There is something called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; you may be familiar with it.
Notice that it talks about Physiological security at the bottom and works up to what Maslow calls Self-actualization at the top. I see the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being human all represented in the above diagram so you can usefully see it as a diagram of "Wholebeing"
In a nutshell then "Wholebeing" is a unifying theory to have a healthy, happy and meaningful life.
I will be relating my ideas about "Wholebeing" as time goes by.
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