I cannot agree or disagree for to do so is to choose. We choose according to our conditioning both from within, through our fears, and from without from a world that continually entreats us to see someone else’s view of the world or some vested small interest within the world. This is how we got to where we are and where we are is the root of our problem is it not?
So is the root of our problem is that we choose and from choice we say something is right or wrong.
For example if I require a certain amount of money to fund all my desires, and in this way if I satisfy my desires I will be happy. So I choose what I want according to those desires. This is my choice. All desires above those of basic survival, warm shelter and food are probably selfish and driven by the ego needs all the trappings that we think give us our identity, our personality. We may want land to build our dream home on or we may just like the security we superficially think we gain if we have a lot of money. These choices, as with all other choices, lead to conflict, either within ourselves because our path to our desires will not always go smoothly, or from without as someone or something gets in our way and we get angry and frustrated with whatever stops us from our goal.
If you think you can choose which part of the worldly system you like and be able to adopt that as your mantra then you will be in conflict with the other parts of life that that you have not chosen or rejected. This is the partial thinking we have adopted and this fragmentary behaviour stops us from understanding the whole and seeing what is.
We deny, disagree, fighting our own little corner and we become defensive. Please do not take my word for it. Take a look at your own actions and feelings for yourself and see what actually takes place within you. This is not theory. It is nothing if it is not fact. What is the fact of your desires and choices? Where do your desires come from? Why do you have them and what purpose do they serve if any?
The world is practically full of people who have made choices from their desires and we see them, at least verbally, fighting each other constantly over who is right and who is wrong. In the meantime for the vast majority our modern gods has become financial institutions and we have become petrified of them. The god of today is like the religion of the past where people cowered to the orthodoxy in case they may be condemned to hell for all eternity because it was preached that not to believe in behaving in certain ways was to sentence oneself to such a fate.
What a dreadful mess we are in yet we spend so little of our educational time discussing this and looking for a real relationship with the world. It seems we want to prepare our children for the same conflicts and misery we have. Like working in jobs that retain the dysfunctional status quo in our societies and leading a life of fear if we step out of what we think our own culture expects of us.
It is of little surprise that we have institutions that want to cover up their misdemeanours and powerful individuals that abuse their power. We have grown up with greed and selfishness, desire and choice. Only when you have nothing to loose can you clearly see what is and be totally honest and then be able to understand the revolutionary change that is required within every one of us.