Again it seems politicians in the West are considering attacking a foreign country so that they may bring peace or whatever else they are planning by force of will and power.
How many times in the course of history have nations taken aggressive action under the name of justification for an earlier atrocity carried out by the attacked country?
Violence begets violence. There is never, ever any justification for it. Yet we continue mulling over the details and the justifications for attacking. When will we say enough of violence, not 'well they started it' or whatever the pathetic reason is. All killing of people can be condemned whoever's side you take for convenience of religion or nationhood.
The media seems to be oblivious that there are people opposed to such action and there are those who question the whole idea of retaliation as they talk on looking for evidence to support their particular governments intended action. Where is the intelligence? Why is any talk of peace and alternatives drowned out by the increasingly loud thumping of the war mongers drum?
Does this warring behaviour solve anything? We are surely running away from the truth that we are indeed also the aggressors. This 'who is right and who is wrong' is so immature and perpetuates the madness and neurosis of war.