Saturday, January 18, 2014

Here  are some reflections from J Krishnamurti’s writings and talks. Many of these can be found on the internet if you want to understand more:

“Ignorance is the lack of self awareness; and knowledge is ignorance when there is no understanding of the ways of the self.”

“What is important is to understand desire and not to overcome one desire with another.”

“It is difficult to recognise an illusion for, having created it, the mind cannot be aware of it.”

“Experience is not an approach to truth; there is no ‘your experience’ or ‘my experience’, but only the intelligent understanding of the problem.”

“The problem is the important thing and not the answer”.

“Thought can never penetrate into the unknown; it must cease for the unknown to be. The action of the unknown is beyond the action of thought.”

“Respectability is a cloak for the hypocrite.”

“Whatever choice you make in the state of confusion can only lead to further confusion.”

“Understanding is of far greater importance than arriving at an end.”