Tuesday, June 14, 2016

...and still man hates and kills

One is constantly worrying how one can change what is going on in the world and yet it seems that we do this whilst still remaining in conflict within ourselves even if we come up with so called solutions.
The birthplace of the aggression in the world surely comes from within us - the inner becomes the outer, which is the outward aggression we see all around us. 
If we change the inner so no conflict arises there, the same question no longer resides so we can stop asking how we can change the turmoil in the world into peace. 
The inner becomes the outer. The question becomes action. 
All the time we do not change the same question persists and nothing is resolved and the conflict and sorrow continues. 
If we can have inner peace we will surely have outward action and the anxiety of the question of how to change the world ceases.