Monday, June 24, 2013

Is to live in beauty our purpose?

Is to live in beauty our purpose or is it to charge around trying to find our purpose as if there is something 'out there' we must grasp? We are not cats but a cat has no purpose in one sense, but it is surely beautiful in its poise and calm during its 'regal' sitting.

Can we live slowly, meaningfully, gently - in beauty? Who actually tells us we must always be in a hurry filling our days with endless, often meaningless, tasks. Living aggressively as other people don't seem to understand our need to have everything we want all the time. Why have we accepted this way as the only way to live our lives? Are we running away from the truth? What do we think we are really achieving with all this frantic activity - mental and physical?

Perhaps real intelligence is required to live slowly, meaningfully, gently - in beauty, without violence. This intelligence is easily lost to the pressures around us, the conditioning from our societies, the fears of not wanting to be outcast from our group, family, friends, nation or whatever else we are frightened of not being part of.

Real intelligence is also lost when internal conflicts reigns within us and our selfish self-centered desires are at the top of our thoughts.

To be intelligent beyond the technical knowledge our lives are full of, and be in beauty and love for its own sake requires complete attention from moment to moment, and it seems many of us are not willing to do this for whatever reason..