Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is and what one would like

There had been a conflict in the morning and it centred around what is, what the real situation was and what one wanted the situation to be. The what is was uncomfortable to the one with an ideal of how one things should be; what one would like the situation to be rather than what it was actually was which was in conflict with the ideal. Whilst the true situation was understood the mind still desired the ideal and so there was conflict in the person and this was apparent in the feelings being expressed.

Outside on the same morning the movement of the bus and later the colour of the leaves and the movement of the body through the autumn woodland made a difference and the mind fell quieter. The darkening clouds did not deter one and with little breeze and mild temperatures the voices of the children and adults in the play areas and coffee shop seemed very clear with a calming effect. The crunch of sticks under the feet, the rustle of the small grey squirrel scurrying through the undergrowth was calming too.

How foolish it is to desire something that is an illusion, to hanker after it as if it is real. Why the mind plays these games is difficult to understand. Why our conditioning rules our lives bringing the trials of the past into the present and projecting them into the future as if there is no escape is a mystery until we can observe ourselves without condemnation.  Dealing in untruths however desirable, however socially acceptable, however comforting it seems is of little lasting value and conflict arises and makes its home in each one of us.

The rain started eventually but much of the walk was done and in any event the rain was neither heavy nor prolonged. After the rain the skies brightened and there were glimpses of a warming autumnal sun. Everything glistened and the world was alive. The previous conflict of the morning had dissolved with the understanding that whatever is, is the only truth and self-centred desires and justifications only cloudy the view of the truth.