Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Where are we now?

We have built a monstrous society where people do not come first. The needs of people are secondary to the desire for conformity, power, wealth and economically run institutions. Why is it any surprise to us when we see abuses in the system from programmes on the media telling us of the horrors of this or that particular tragedy.

Is it not us that has created this society? Is it right that we should always look for someone other than ourselves to blame?

We are surely, in our daily lives, creating this situation we find so horrible by putting money first with conformity and society paramount and the nourishment and care of human beings much lower down the list of priorities.

We have accepted all this as normal. We do not openly question this and we want to keep our petty lives safe and comforting. We go to our work to acquire our selfish possessions and think nothing of the mess we are continuing to promote by our activities.

Here in the west and the north of the planet we are selfishly exploiting people on other parts of the earth and again we think nothing of it and continue to justify it with statements like 'It is human nature', 'we have to be practical', and 'my family comes first'.

It is strange that we can mobilize a huge number of people and resources, of machinery and weapons of mass destruction, but when it comes to understanding how we live, condition ourselves and worship the structures of our destructive society over the understanding of ourselves, we have no appetite for it.

Is not the whole structure of society built around economics and rules which deny any real psychological freedom to its people. We are imprisoned in our insular societies so acting with love and caring for others outside our immediate family or group is so often compromised and the wider population is only ever secondary.

To have all people really equal surely requires fundamental change of ourselves and not just to blame the latest wrongdoer. Each one of us has created the society that allows the problems of mismanagement and economic decisions that overrule the whole care of humans. This does lead to errors in the care of others that we throw our arms up in horror over rather than seeing the real reason why they take place.